JB Kind River Oak Traditional Door Information
A delightful selection of traditional oak veneered door designs, which are the perfect complement for any style or theme. The sheer quality and consistency of this range of doors have earned it an excellent reputation. JB Kind River Oak Traditional door range - lots of sizes and a clear explanation of the door construction.
Frequently asked questions......and Answers!
Q; How long will it take for delivery of the River Oak Traditional door range?
A; We estimate 48 - 72 hours for our free delivery, the speed is dependant on the quantity of doors, 2 or more doors are direct from our supplier and a dedicated courier is used for single doors.
Q; What type of veneers are used?
A; We use Oak without any decoration - no varnishing is included, being without final decoration will allow you to decorate them to your own tastes, please check each door model for full details.
Q; What is the construction?
A; The River Oak Traditional doors have a solid core which is a composite construction with the veneer on top to provide a 1st class door as standard, any glass whether frosted or clear is to british safety standards.
Q; What sizes are available?
A; The sizes in some door styles are as small as 610mm but mainly 1981x686mm, 1981x762mm and 1981x838mm, all 35mm thick and if available there may be 40mm thick metric doors at 2040x626mm, 2040x726mm, 2040x826mm and 926mm .....and then there are the door pairs!
Oak Interior Doors - River Oak Traditional range;
A popular range of affordable quality oak faced doors in traditional patterns.
- Veneered Oak interior doors, with a solid engineered core for extra stability
- Prepared for a varnish finish but not applied
- Half hour (FD30) rated versions available from stock
#riveroaktraditionaldoors #directdoors